The notion of a network of towns imposed itself in the vocabulary of territ
ory organization and replaced the more classical one, for geographers, of u
rban network. This notion belongs to a conceptual field that has a politica
l and functional content. It refers to towns that are integrated within a c
ommon territorial system, between which there are of course physical relati
ons, but also and above all functional relations (e.g.: networked universit
ies, common chambers of commerce, sharing of equipment,), and/or political
relations (concerted policies, lobbying, development of common projects). T
hrough its content, both territorial and political, this reading of spatial
organization is different from that done through the prism of urban hierar
chy: beyond the part played by the exchanges in spatial organization, the p
olitical and functional content can be illustrated here by the example of t
he Nord-Pas-de-Calais region.