From remarkably general assumptions, Arrow's Theorem concludes that a socia
l intransitivity must afflict some profile of transitive individual prefere
nces. It need not be a cycle, but all others have ties. If we add a modest
tie-limit, we get a chaotic cycle, one comprising all alternatives, and a t
ight one to boot: a short path connects any two alternatives. For this we n
eed naught but (Ij linear preference orderings devoid of infinite ascent, (
2) profiles that unanimously order a set of all but two alternatives, and w
ith a slightly fortified tie-limit, (3) profiles that deviate ever so littl
e from singlepeakedness. With a weaker tie-limit but not (2) or (3), we sti
ll get a chaotic cycle, not necessarily tight. With an even weaker one, we
still get a dominant cycle, not necessarily chaotic (every member beats eve
ry outside alternative), and with it global instability (every alternative
beaten). That tie-limit is necessary for a cycle of any sort, and for globa
l instability too (which does not require a cycle unless alternatives are f
inite in number). Earlier Arrovian cycle theorems are quite limited by comp
arison with these.