This article, the fourth in a continuing series of six, describes mega-mate
rial technologies, including the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct mat
ter at atomic and subatomic levels to achieve desired properties, that will
radically transform the physical sciences ranging from architecture to an
alchemist's wildest dreams. Advanced understanding of the biochemistry of l
ife's instructional genetic codes will be followed by parallel developments
in physics and chemistry involving mastery over quantum mechanics that ena
ble construction of "designer" materials. Harnessing nanotechnologies will
introduce new and novel echelons of artifacts that previously were the stuf
f of science fiction. Fully understanding and adroitly manipulating subatom
ic matter will require considerable time. Taking these technologies to a do
minant position and role in the economy may come about between 2200-2300. (
C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.