Outbreaks of Anagallis arvensis poisoning were observed from 1994 to 1998 i
n cattle and sheep in Uruguay du ri ng December and January. Cattle morbidi
ty varied between 3.2 and 53.2% and lethality 42.6 and 100%. Sheep morbidit
y was 2.8 to 42.9% and lethality 81.3 to 100%. Nine outbreaks occurred on b
arley and wheat stubble, and I in a field previously ploughed but not culti
vated. Clinical signs were weakness, staggers, diarrhea (sometimes bloody),
coma, and death. Serum levers of creatinine and urea were elevated. Gross
lesions were characterized by sc petechiae, fluid in body cavities, mesente
ric and perirenal edema,yellowish or pale kidneys with petechiae on the cor
tex, esophageal erosive lesions or ulcers, and hemorrhagic abomasitis and e
nteritis. Severe nephrosis was observed histologically. The green plant col
lected in a field where an outbreak occurred was administered to 2 sheep at
doses of 160 and 224 g/kg bw and produced clinical signs and pathology sim
ilar to those observed in field cases.