We present results of one year observations in highly heterotrophic and oxy
gen-depleted rivers of the polluted Scheldt basin. Monthly measurements rev
ealed a high variability for dissolved inorganic carbon and nitrogen, with
the following strong parallelism: highest alkalinity and NH4+ were associat
ed with lowest NO3- and oxygen and vice-versa. In river water incubations,
nitritication lowered the alkalinity whereas denitrification raised it; in
an anoxic, NO3- -free incubation an increase of alkalinity was observed, pa
rtially due to ammonification. A stoichiometric analysis, taking into accou
nt the amount of protons produced or consumed by each process involving nit
rogen, revealed that monthly variations of NO3- and NH4+ with ammonificatio
n, nitrification and denitrification could explain the 28 and 62% alkalinit
y variations at all stations, except one. The remaining part of the alkalin
ity variations was attributed to other anaerobic processes (Mn-, Fe- and SO
4-reductions). This trend seems to be the result of the whole catchment met
abolism (riverine waters and sediments, sewage networks and agricultural so
ils). The observed HCO concentrations in the Scheldt basin were 2-10 times
higher than the representative concentrations reported in pristine basins a
nd used in chemical weathering models. This suggests the existence of an an
thropogenic source, originating From organic matter decomposition. We concl
ude that in highly polluted basins, nitrogen transformations strongly influ
ence the acid-base properties of water. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.