The tensilc properties of alloys play an important role in the development
of new! metallic materials. The dynamic behaviour of one-dimensional lattic
e defects (dislocations) under thermal and mechanical conditions forms the
basis of all there mechanical properties. This behaviour is determined by a
ll the Interaction mechanisms of dislocations with other lattice defects su
ch as precipitations and grain boundaries and can only be calculated from s
tochastic models [1]. With these higher dimensional defects ill mind a simu
lation method based on an N-body dislocation system with all interaction pr
ocesses is shown. In this model the different defects will be reduced to a
polymorphic structure and bound to a Monte-Carlo-Simulation for N-body prob
lems. To improve the performance of the calculation, the model will be tran
sformed to a set of parallel algorithms for high performance computer syste
ms. This work was done in a collaboration with the Edinburgh Parallel Compu
ting Centre (EPCC, Scotland) during the European Union TRACS Program (Train
ing and research on advanced computer. systems).