The controversy surrounding the use of tocolytic agents has been raging for
decades. Tocolytic drugs play a pivotal role in the prevention of preterm
birth, which is the major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Studie
s on the efficacy and safety of these drugs are of the utmost importance to
many disciplines within the medical community. Unfortunately many clinical
decisions regarding tocolytic agents are based on incorrect information re
sulting from flawed studies. In this article we discuss the major design fl
aws common to many studies of tocolytic safety and in so doing explain some
of the conflicting evidence regarding safety. Each of the two major types
of study designs, preterm birth retrospective studies and prospective rando
mized trials, is associated with a serious flaw. Retrospective preterm birt
h studies give misleading and inconclusive results to the question of safet
y because of the use of incomplete cohorts. The inadequately sized prospect
ive studies in the current literature lack the power to detect important cl
inical differences.