T. Okawa et al., Effect of lipopolysaccharide on uterine contractions and prostaglandin production in pregnant rats, AM J OBST G, 184(2), 2001, pp. 84-89
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to evaluate the effect of lipopolysaccharide on pros
taglandin production and on contraction of isolated myometrial strips from
preterm pregnant rats.
STUDY DESIGN: Pregnant Wistar rats on day 17 of gestation were kilted 3 hou
rs after intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (1.5 mg/kg) or veh
icle, with or without pretreatment with indomethacin (5 mg/kg administered
intraperitoneally) 1 hour beforehand. Concentrations of endotoxin in matern
al serum and amniotic fluid, prostaglandin F-2 alpha and prostaglandin E-2
in amniotic fluid, and progesterone in maternal serum were determined. Long
itudinal uterine strips were prepared, placed in organ chambers with Krebs-
Ringer solution, aerated with 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide (37 degreesC
, pH similar to7.4), and equilibrated at 1g passive tension. Concentration-
contraction relationships to oxytocin were determined. Samples of bathing s
olution were collected 10 minutes after the concentration of oxytocin was m
axima[. Prostaglandins and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay a
nd endotoxin was measured by the Endospecy (Seikagaku Kogyo, Tokyo, Japan)
RESULTS: Lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly increased the levels of
prostaglandin F-2 alpha and prostaglandin E-2 in amniotic fluid. Treatment
with lipopolysaccharide inhibited the production and release of proslaglan
din F-2 alpha! and prostaglandin E-2 that were activated by oxytocin in ute
rine strips and increased the sensitivity of strips to the contractile effe
ct of oxytocin. Indomethacin did not affect the basal or the lipopolysaccha
ride-activated levels of endotoxin in serum and amniotic fluid and exerted
a counteraction on lipopolysaccharide-induced increases in concentrations o
f prostaglandin F-2 alpha and prostaglandin E-2 in amniotic fluid. Indometh
acin counteracted oxytocin-activated production and release of prostaglandi
n F-2 alpha and prostaglandin Ep in uterine tissues after lipopolysaccharid
e administration without changing the sensitivity of uterine strips to oxyt
ocin. Concentrations of progesterone were not changed after lipopolysacchar
ide, indomethacin, or their combined application, which suggests that the c
hanges described were not associated with alterations in the levels of the
CONCLUSIONS: The activation of the uterine contractile system by prostaglan
din and oxytocin during intraamniotic infection may be one of the causes of
preterm delivery A combination of an oxytocin receptor antagonist and an i
nhibitor of cyclooxygenase may be beneficial in prevention or treatment of
preterm labor.