This paper examines structural change in the power and heat producing secto
r (energy supply) and its implications for the economy. An integrated appro
ach is used to describe the interactions between this sector and the rest o
f the economy. Thus, a very detailed model of the sector for Denmark has be
en linked to a macroeconometric model of the Danish economy. It is argued t
hat analysing sectors that undergo radical changes, for example the energy
supply sector, should be undertaken by using a model that describes the tec
hnological and organisational changes in production along with implications
for the demand of the produced goods.
Environmental priorities and targets for emission reductions are important
for defining energy policy in Denmark. As the energy supply sector at prese
nt is a major contributor to emissions of CO2 and SO2, knowledge of this se
ctor is vital for reducing these emissions. It is shown that quite substant
ial emission reductions are possible without encountering a substantial neg
ative impact on the economy. The reduction potential through such economic
incentives as fuel taxes is shown to be very sensitive to the technology us
ed at present and in the future.
This study also emphasises that the large reduction potential of emissions
from the energy supply sector is a one-time gain. Fuel switching and increa
sing use of wind power cannot be repeated. Scenarios carried out with the c
ombined model show that emission reduction in the energy supply sector will
decrease the share of this sector in total emissions remarkably, and that
the importance of the sector as a key element in any overall emission reduc
tion strategy will decline.