Objectives: 1) To assess if HPV (human papillomavirus)-DNA testing using th
e presently available technology offers any advantage over the utilization
of the traditional Pap-smear as a screening tool for women at risk for cerv
ical pre-cancers. 2) To assess if the HPV-DNA test is a valuable intermedia
te triage method for patients with Pap-smears demonstrating ASCUS (Abnormal
Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance) or LG-SIL (Low-Grade Squamous
Intraepithelial Lesions) in order to better select those patients who woul
d maximally benefit from colposcopy, thus, using clinical resources in an e
fficient way. Material and Methods: Review of the peer reviewed literature
between 1992 and June 2000 regarding: 1) new and innovative approaches for
cervical cancer screening and prevention; 2) advances in management protoco
ls of ASCUS and LG-SIL with the introduction of HPV-DNA test. Results: HPV-
DNA testing in association with the Pap (Papanicolau) smear performed eithe
r conventionally or, preferably, with the new liquid based cytology is a va
luable adjunct with high sensitivity and acceptable specificity rates in de
fining those patients most likely to demonstrate HG-SIL (High-Grade Squamou
s Intraepithelial Lesions) at the time of colposcopy; Conclusion: At presen
t available evidence indicates that the best reason for performing HPV-DNA
testing is the triage of selected patients with ASCUS and in specific setti
ngs with LG-SIL. Ongoing clinical studies may demonstrate additional advant
ages for this technology when used in a screening application.