Post-ingestive negative controls of ingestive behavior are well characteriz
ed. Nutrients act in the gut to inhibit meal size by direct actions on feed
ing and by conditioning a satiation response to orosensory (flavor) stimuli
. Accumulating evidence indicates that there are also post-ingestive positi
ve controls of ingestion that operate by conditioning flavor preference and
increased acceptance. In several experiments rats trained to consume a fla
vored solution paired with intragastric carbohydrate infusions significantl
y increased their solution intake. Drinking bout size and number, and lick
rates and burst size were also increased by carbohydrate infusions. Whether
intake is stimulated or inhibited by post-ingestive nutrient actions depen
ds upon several factors. including most notably nutrient concentration. Pos
t-ingestive positive controls need to be incorporated into theoretical mode
ls of ingestive behavior. (C) 2001 Academic Press.