This study focuses on the robustness of the relationship between supplies-v
alues (S-V) fit and work outcomes. Specifically, the functional form that b
est describes the relationships of three different dimensions of S-V fit (i
.e. intrinsic work aspects, extrinsic work aspects, and social relations at
work) with job satisfaction, intention to leave the organisation and psych
ological well-being was investigated using the moderated regression techniq
ue proposed by Edwards (1991, 1994). This study extends previous research b
y examining the stability of these relationships across two occasions, sepa
rated by a period of four years. Results showed that the functional form of
the relationship of S-V fit with work outcomes differed by the S-V fit dim
ension and the work outcome under investigation. However, the functional fo
rm of each of these relationships on the first occasion was almost identica
l to the Form of the relationships on the second occasion. Additionally, re
sults showed that all three SV fit dimensions affected job satisfaction and
intention to leave, but had only a weak effect on psychological well-being
. The organisational supplies component, as well as its quadratic term in p
articular, had a large influence on job satisfaction and intention to leave
. Implications for future research in the P-O fit area are discussed.