An integrative psychological approach to employee empowerment was developed
based on the premise that the psychological experience of power underlies
feelings of empowerment. This research extends existing perspectives on emp
owerment by incorporating the empowering effect of valued goals, such as th
ose provided by transformational leadership. Goal internalisation was ident
ified as a major component of the psychological experience of empowerment,
in addition to the two traditional facets of perceptions of control over th
e work environment and perceptions of self-efficacy or competence. Standard
measure development procedures using a sample of employed individuals from
Quebec, Canada and subsequent validation with an organisational sample fro
m Ontario, Canada yielded a three-factor scale of psychological empowerment
corresponding to these three dimensions. The implications of defining empo
werment as a psychological state and the need For multiple measures of empo
werment are also discussed.