This 10-year study was designed to evaluate vegetation response to inc
reasing stocking rates under rotational stocking (3 days graze, 51 day
s rest) and long-term rest. The 4 stocking rate treatments ranged from
the recommended rate for moderate continuous grazing to 2.7 times the
recommended rate. Common curly-mesquite [Hilaria belangeri (Steud,) N
ash] increased (P = 0.05) in all grazed treatments and decreased in th
e livestock exclosure. Sideoats grams [Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.)
Torr.] along with other midgrasses decreased (P = 0.07) in all grazed
treatments and increased in the livestock exclosure. Because the midg
rasses were palatable species and not abundant, they were defoliated t
oo intensively and too frequently, Rotational stocking was not able to
sustain initial species composition at any of the stocking rates test