In modern hierarchical theories of structure formation, rich clusters of ga
laxies form at the vertices of a weblike distribution of matter, with filam
ents emanating from them to large distances and with smaller objects formin
g and draining in along these filaments. The amount of mass contained in st
ructure near the cluster can be comparable to the collapsed mass of the clu
ster itself. As the lensing kernel is quite broad along the line of sight a
round cluster lenses with typical redshifts z(l) = 0.5, structures many meg
aparsecs parsecs away from the cluster are essentially at the same location
as the cluster itself, when considering their effect on the cluster's weak
lensing signal. We use large-scale numerical simulations of structure form
ation in a Lambda -dominated cold dark matter model to quantify the effect
that large-scale structure near clusters has upon the cluster masses deduce
d from weak lensing analysis. A correction for the scatter in possible obse
rved lensing masses should be included when interpreting mass functions fro
m weak lensing surveys.