The techniques of human molecular genetics have been rapidly applied to the
study of hearing loss. These studies have implicated more than 60 loci as
causes of nonsyndromic hearing loss. Mutations at more than a dozen nuclear
genes have been demonstrated to cause hearing loss, and these have been co
vered in recent reviews. However, a perhaps unexpected feature of the molec
ular characterization of human hearing loss has been the occurrence of muta
tions in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The importance of mitochondrial fun
ction in hearing is emphasized by the recent discovery of mutations in a nu
clear-encoded mitochondrial protein which results in hearing loss. This art
icle reviews the current status of our knowledge of mtDNA mutations that ha
ve been shown to cause hearing loss, and the suggestion of potential molecu
lar, cellular and tissue-specific pathophysiological mechanisms by which dy
sfunction of mitochondria may lead to a loss of hearing.