Senescence may evolve when genes have antagonistic effects between early re
production and later age-specific mortality. Although widely consistent wit
h data of quantitative genetics, this model has yet to be validated with th
e identification of a specific locus presenting such trade-offs. The molecu
lar chaperone hsp70 may be a candidate for such a gene. Heat induced expres
sion of the Hsp70 protein in adults decreases rates of age-specific mortali
ty during normal aging, while maternally experienced heat shock depresses t
he production of mature progeny. Here we show that maternal heat shock redu
ces the proportion of egg hatch but not the viability of successfully hatch
ed offspring. To assess whether heat induced maternal expression of hsp70 c
auses reduced egg hatch, we measured the proportion of eggs that hatch from
females engineered to overexpress hsp70 transgenes. We used the same trans
genic strains that extend longevity upon hsp70 expression and found that Hs
p70 is sufficient to suppress egg hatch. The proportion of egg hatch as a f
unction of hsp70 expression was not reduced in the first eggs laid after ma
ternal heat shock, but appears in later laid eggs, which were at preoogenic
and early vitellogenic stages during the maternal expression of hsp70. The
contervailing effects of hsp70 upon fecundity and subsequent age-specific
mortality exemplify antagonistic pleiotropy, and this trade-off could contr
ibute to the evolution of Drosophila senescence.