Female sexual dysfunction is age-related, progressive and highly prevalent,
affecting 30 - 50% of American women. While there are emotional and relati
onal elements to sexual function, it has become increasingly evident that f
emale sexual dysfunction can occur secondary to medical problems and has an
organic basis. A plethora of different female sexual dysfunctions exist an
d in order to obtain a greater understanding of the possible treatments for
these problems, it is essential to have a strong knowledge base of female
pelvic anatomy, the neurogenic mediators of female sexual response, the imp
act of hormones on female sexual function and the aetiologies of female sex
ual dysfunction. Currently, there are potential therapeutic options for the
treatment of female sexual dysfunction and these options include both horm
onal and pharmacological therapy. However, therapeutic agents may not prove
to be enough and the ideal approach to female sexual dysfunction is thus a
collaborative effort between therapists and physicians, which should inclu
de a complete medical and psychosocial evaluation, as well as inclusion of
the partner or spouse in the evaluation and treatment process.