Purpose. Within the recent years several studies have been performed to det
ermine the Value of endoanal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in faecal inc
Methods. MRI is performed using a 0.5 - 1.5T unit. A surface coil with a ma
xim um diameter of 19 mm is placed in the anal canal. T2* 3D gradient-echo-
sequences and T2-weighted turbo-spin-echo-sequences in coronal, axial und s
agittal orientation are acquired.
Results. Compared to endoanal ultrasound (EUS), which is the gold standard
for diagnosis in faecal incontinence, endoanal MRI is better in visualizati
on of the external sphincter. The accurate delineation of the externa I sph
incter has led to the possibility to evaluate sphincter atrophy. Preliminar
y results have shown, that endoanal MRI has an accuracy of 90-95% in the de
monstration of lesions in the external sphincter. In detection of lesions o
f the internal sphincter EUS is still superior to endoanal MRI.
Conclusion. EUS and endoanal MRI are currently the optimal imaging techniqu
es for faecal in continenc, with the advantage of detecting external sphinc
ter atrophy with endoanal MRI.