This paper presents a general approach to image segmentation and object rec
ognition that can adapt the image segmentation algorithm parameters to the
changing environmental conditions. Segmentation parameters are represented
by a team of generalized stochastic learning automata and learned using con
nectionist reinforcement learning techniques. The edge-border coincidence m
easure is first used as reinforcement for segmentation evaluation to reduce
computational expenses associated with model matching during the early sta
ge of adaptation, This measure alone, however, can not reliably predict the
outcome of object recognition, Therefore, it is used in conjunction with m
odel matching where the matching confidence is used as a reinforcement sign
al to provide optimal segmentation evaluation in a closed-loop abject recog
nition system. The adaptation alternates between global and local segmentat
ion processes in order to achieve optimal recognition performance. Results
are presented for both indoor and outdoor color images where the performanc
e improvement over time Is shown For both image segmentation and object rec