Purpose: To retain cell viability, mammalian cells can increase damage repa
ir in response to excessive radiation-induced injury. The adaptive response
to small radiation doses is an example of this induced resistance and has
been studied for many years, particularly in human lymphocytes, This review
focuses on another manifestation of actively increased resistance that is
of potential interest for developing improved radiotherapy, specifically th
e phenomenon in which cells die from excessive sensitivity to small single
doses of ionizing radiation but remain more resistant (per unit dose) to la
rger single doses. In this paper, we propose possible mechanisms to explain
this phenomenon based on our data accumulated over the last decade and a r
eview of the literature.
Conclusion: Typically, most cell lines exhibit hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS)
to very low radiation doses (<10 cGy) that is not predicted by back-extrap
olating the cell survival response from higher doses. As the dose is increa
sed above about 30 cGy, there is increased radioresistance (IRR) until at d
oses beyond about 1 Gy, radioresistance is maximal, and the cell survival f
ollows the usual downward-bending curve with increasing dose. The precise o
perational and activational mechanism of the process is still unclear, but
we propose two hypotheses. The greater amount of injury produced by larger
doses either (1) is above a putative damage-sensing threshold for triggerin
g faster or more efficient DNA repair or (2) causes changes in DNA structur
e or organization that facilitates constitutive repair, In both scenarios,
this enhanced repair ability is decreased again on a similar time scale to
the rate of removal of DNA damage. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.