Purpose: Ultrasonographic follow up of patients with supra-aortic arteries
angioplasty and stenting was performed to determine the normal characterist
ics and to detect restenosis or thrombosis at the repair site.
Material and methods: Twenty-eight patients were followed. The delay betwee
n the procedure and the ultrasonographic examination was 1 to 5 years. Ther
e were 32 procedures: 7 carotid angioplasties with stenting; 32 vertebral a
ngioplasties (2 stentings), 2 brachiocephalic artery angioplasties (1 stent
ing); 1 subclavian artery angioplasty. The ultrasonographic examination inc
luded morphological and bilateral flow analysis. The usual criteria were me
asured. Special attention has been given to the morphological aspect of the
Results: All of the carotid stents were patent. No restenosis appeared duri
ng the follow up, A parietal thickening was observed in one patient without
significant reduction of the arterial lumen. There were one vetebral and o
ne brachiocephalic stent thrombosis. The results of the ultrasonographic ex
aminations correlated well with magnetic resonance imaging.
Conclusion: The ultrasonographic follow up of supra aortic arteries angiopl
asty and stenting is feasible. An early examination is recommended after th
e vascular procedure to control the efficacy of the repair and to detect an
d quantify the residual lesions. This phase is compulsory for an optimal lo
ng term follow up.