OBJECTIVE To explore the biological and morphological differences betw
een large Gushing's adenomas and small adenomas, we investigated the c
linical, endocrinological, neuroradiological, and histological feature
s of patients with large Gushing's adenomas and compared them with pat
ients with small Cushing's adenomas, PATIENTS Five of 250 patients wit
h Gushing's disease undergoing trans-sphenoidal operations from 1989 t
o 1995 had large adenomas with maximum diameters greater than 30 mm, T
he clinical characteristics of these five patients were compared with
the 14 patients with Gushing's disease with small adenomas in our seri
es, RESULTS Oedema, myopathy, and mental disturbance were more frequen
t and hypertension war; less frequent among patients with large adenom
as, The high-dose (8 mg) dexamethasone test did not suppress cortisol
production in any of the five patients, Invasion into surrounding tiss
ue wa!; demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging in all five cases,
All five large adenomas had scarce or no periodic acid-Schiff-positive
granules and were sparsely granulated ultrastructurally, Three tumour
s contained cells with honeycomb Golgi apparatus which rarely containe
d immature secretory granules, One Crooke's cell adenoma contained tra
pped or displaced secretory granules. The other tumour had dilated tra
ns-Golgi network-derived vacuoles that contained reticular or circular
electron-dense material. These findings were in striking contrast to
those of small Gushing's adenomas, which showed strong PAS positivity,
densely-packed granulation, and had prominent Golgi complex harbourin
g developing secretory granules, CONCLUSIONS We found that the tumour
cells in large adenomas produced only small amounts of ACTH, and showe
d indications of disturbances in the regulated exocytotic pathways. Th
ese factors may account for the different clinical characteristics of
Gushing's disease with large pituitary adenomas.