Mixing, as a unit operation, is a key component in the operation of scraped
surface heat exchangers (SSHE) because of its importance in ensuring unifo
rm heat treatment. In this study, two approaches were used to evaluate mixi
ng effectiveness in a process geometry that simulates a closed type SSHE: t
he strain distribution function which was based on velocity profiles and st
atistical mixing indices based on concentration profiles. For the 1% carbox
ymethyl cellulose test solution under laminar flow conditions, the lower an
gular rotation speed and lower axial flow rate promoted mixing with respect
to mixing intensity. The residence time, as characterized by the axial Rey
nolds Number, was the key factor for this statistic. The strain distributio
n function and mixing length scale were affected by the relative contributi
on of angular rotation to axial flow, which was expressed as the ratio of t
he angular Reynolds number to the axial Reynolds number. This work demonstr
ates the equivalence of evaluating mixedness by experimental concentration
profiles and theoretical velocity profiles.