Ventricular repolarisation abnormalities are important in arrhythmia provoc
ation. The dispersion of repolarisation duration is not the only aspect of
repolarisation heterogeneity. Spatial vectorcardiographic descriptors const
itute a novel approach to quantify ventricular repolarisation. To test the
ability of vectorcardiographic descriptors to discriminate between hyperten
sives with high or low blood pressure (BP), 110 treated hypertensives (mean
age 63.6 +/- 12.1 years) were classified in the high (systolic BP greater
than or equal to 160 mm Hg or diastolic BP greater than or equal to 95 mm H
g) (n = 67), or the low (systolic BP < 160 mm Hg and diastolic BP < 95 mm H
g) (n = 43) BP group. The maximum QT, JT, and T peak-T end intervals and th
e QT, JT, and T peak-T end dispersion were calculated from a digitally reco
rded 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), X, Y, and Z leads were reconstructed
from the 12-lead EGG. The amplitude of the maximum spatial T vector (spatia
l T amplitude), the angle between the maximum spatial QRS and T vectors (sp
atial QRS-T angle) and the frontal plane QRS-T angle were calculated. The s
patial QRS-T angle was higher in patients with high compared to those with
low BP (P = 0.025). All conventional ECG markers of the dispersion of ventr
icular repolarisation duration failed to demonstrate significant difference
s between hypertensives with high or low BP. In conclusion, the spatial QRS
-T angle was significantly increased in those treated hypertensive patients
who showed repeatedly high BP values. Hence, we may suggest that the angle
between the directions of ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation is
a sensitive marker of the repolarisation alterations in systemic hypertens