This report describes a single institution's recent experience with six pat
ients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of chronic neutrophilic leukemia.
No patient had the Philadelphia chromosome or the BCR/ABL fusion gene. None
of the common cytogenetic abnormalities characteristic of myeloid disorder
s were detected. Two patients demonstrated clonal evolution during the cour
se of the disease. All responded initially to therapy with hydroxyurea with
control of leukocytosis and reduction in splenomegaly. Three patients even
tually became refractory to hydroxyurea, manifesting progressive neutrophil
ia without blastic transformation. Aggressive chemotherapy to control progr
essive leukocytosis resulted in death due to cytopenias in two of these pat
ients. The third patient received less intensive chemotherapy and died of p
rogressive disease. One patient died after transformation of the disease in
to undifferentiated acute myeloid leukemia. Two patients remain alive with
stable disease on hydroxyurea therapy, 12 and 54 months after initial diagn
osis. Chronic neutrophilic leukemia is a rare clinicopathologic entity that
can be distinguished from chronic myelogenous leukemia, the recently descr
ibed neutrophilic-chronic myelogenous leukemia, and myelodysplastic syndrom
e. The clinical course is heterogeneous, with a definite risk of death from
either blastic transformation or progressive neutrophilic leukocytosis. Co
ntinued study and reporting of these cases must be encouraged.