In this study we report the complete nucleotide sequence and genetic organi
zation of the she pathogenicity island (PAI) of Shigella flexneri 2a strain
YSH6000T. The 46 603 bp she PAI is situated adjacent to the 3' terminus of
the pheV tRNA gene and includes an imperfect direct repeat of the 3'-termi
nal 22 bp of the pheV gene at the right boundary of the PAI. The she PAI ca
rries a bacteriophage P4-like integrase gene within the pheV-proximal bound
ary of the PAI, intact and truncated mobile genetic elements, plasmid-relat
ed sequences, open reading frames exhibiting high sequence similarity to th
ose found on the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) PAI of enterohemorrha
gic Escherichia coli (EHEC), and the SHI-2 PAI of S. flexneri and several o
ther open reading frames of unknown function. The she PAI also encodes two
autotransporter proteins, including SigA, a cytopathic protease that contri
butes to intestinal fluid accumulation and Pic, a protease with mucinase, a
nd hemagglutinin activities. In addition, an open reading frame (orf) terme
d sap, has high sequence similarity to the gene encoding Antigen 43, a surf
ace-located autotransporter protein of E. coli. The ShET1 enterotoxin genes
, associated predominantly with S. flexneri 2a strains, are also located on
the she PAI. (C) 2001 Academic Press.