Objectives and Background. The identities of a cystic fibrosis (CF) patient
's CFTR mutations can influence therapeutic strategies, but because >800 CF
TR mutations exist, cost-effective, comprehensive screening requires a mult
istage approach. Single-strand conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex a
nalysis (SSCP/HA) can be an important part of mutation detection, but must
be calibrated within each laboratory. The sensitivity of a combined commerc
ial-SSCP/HA approach to genotyping in a large, ethnically diverse US center
CF population has not been established.
Study Design. We screened all 27 CFTR exons in 10 human participants who ha
d an unequivocal CF diagnosis including a positive sweat chloride test and
at least 1 unknown allele after commercial testing for the 70 most common m
utations by SSCP/HA. These participants were compared with 7 participants w
ho had negative sweat tests but at least 1 other CF-like symptom meriting c
omplete genotyping.
Results. For the 10 CF participants, we detected 11 of 16 unknown alleles (
69%) and all 4 of the known alleles (100%), for an overall rate of 75% inpa
tients not fully genotyped by conventional 70 mutation screen. For 7 partic
ipants with negative sweat tests, we confirmed 1 identified mutation in 14
alleles and detected 3 additional mutations. Mutations detected in both gro
ups included 7 missense mutations (S13F, P67L, G98R, S492F, G970D, L1093P,
N1303K) and 9 deletion, frameshift, nonsense or splicing mutations (R75X, G
542X, Delta F508, 451-458 Delta8 bp, 5T, 663 DeltaT, exon 13 frameshift, 12
61+1G-->A and 3272-26A-->G). Three of these mutations were novel (G970D, L1
093P, and 451-458 Delta8 bp(1)). Thirteen other changes were detected, incl
uding the novel changes 1812-3 ins T, 4096-278 ins T, 4096-265 ins TG, and
4096-180 T-->G.
Conclusion. When combined with the 70 mutation Genzyme test, SSCP/HA analys
is allows for detection of >95% of the mutations in an ethnically heterogen
eous CF center population. We discuss 5 possible explanations that could ac
count for the few remaining undetected mutations.