Somatic embryogenesis and whole plant regeneration were achieved in callus
cultures derived from immature zygotic embryos of Acacia mangium. Embryogen
ic callus was induced on MS medium containing combinations of TDZ (1-2 mg/l
), IAA (0.25-2 mg/l) and a mixture of amino acids. Globular embryos develop
ed on embryogenic callus cultured on the induction medium. Nearly 42% of em
bryogenic cultures with globular embryos produced torpedo- and cotyledonary
-stage embryos by a two-step maturation phase. The first stage occurred on
1/2-strength MS basal medium containing 30 g/l sucrose and 5 mg/l GA(3) fol
lowed by the second stage on 1/2-strength MS basal medium containing 50 g/l
sucrose. Of the cotyledonary-stage somatic embryos, 11% germinated into se
edlings that could be successfully transferred to pots. Light and scanning
electron microscopy showed that the somatic embryos originated from single
cells of the embryogenic callus. Further, a single cell layer could be dete
cted beneath the developing somatic embryos that appeared to be a demarcati
on layer isolating the somatic proembryonic structure from the rest of the
maternal callus. A suspensor-like structure connected the globular embryos
to the demarcation layer. This is the first successful report of plant rege
neration through somatic embryogenesis for this economically important trop
ical forest species.