New types of morphology in immiscible polymers blends, obtained by a proces
s named dynamic quenching process [Cassagnau P, Michel A. French Patent, No
0004420, 6 April 2000], are presented. The dynamic quenching process consi
sts of crystallizing under shear or elongational Rows, a semi-crystalline p
olymer (or solidifying an amorphous polymer) dispersed in melt thermoplasti
c matrix. Using this new process, polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and poly
carbonate (PC) have been dispersed in an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copol
ymers matrix in a twin-screw extruder. A coral structure of the PET domains
and a fine nanoscale (100 x 300 nm(2)) of PC rods have been so elaborated.
The development of the morphology during processing was qualitatively disc
ussed in terms of crystallization under shear or elongational Rows of fine
PET droplets dispersed in a melt EVA matrix. Coral PET structure forms a ne
twork-type structure, which confers to the material an yield stress behavio
r. Considering EVA/PC blends, the mechanism of the morphology development i
s different.. As PC is an amorphous polymer, the viscosity ratio and the el
asticity of the PC phase considerably increases with decreasing temperature
to the PC glass temperature. Furthermore, the dynamic quenching process ca
n be used as a way to control and to form a rod morphology at high concentr
ations of PC. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.