The melt blending of polycarbonate (PC) and ethylene-methacrylic acid copol
ymers (EFC) either in the acid form (EFC-H) or partially neutralized with s
odium (EFC-Na) or zinc (EFC-Zn) was investigated. Torque monitoring of the
blending showed that the polymers are capable of reacting generating new ch
emical species that increase the melt viscosity. As general behavior, the t
orque curves pass by a maximum that takes place before 30 min, the final to
rque being higher than that of the individual polymers. SEC analyses reveal
that PC degradation also occurs and is stronger in the case of blends with
EFC-Na that acts to catalyze PC degradation, promoting CO, formation. FTIR
studies on chloroform insoluble fractions of the PC/EFC-Zn blends showed t
hat in addition to a very small number of carbonate groups, feature absorpt
ion bands of aromatic ester and hydroxyl groups appear in the new chemical
species formed during the reactive processing.