Unpalatable insects frequently adopt multimodal signals to ward off predato
rs, incorporating sounds and odours into their colourful displays. Pyrazine
is an odour commonly used in insect warning displays, and has previously b
een shown to elicit unlearned biases against common warning colours, e.g. y
ellow and red in naive predators. We designed two experiments to test for s
imilar effects of pyrazine on the conspicuousness of prey, perhaps the most
ubiquitous aspect of aposematic coloration. In the first experiment, we of
fered predators (Gallus gallus domesticus) a choice between conspicuous cru
mbs and cryptic crumbs in the presence or absence of pyrazine. In the secon
d experiment, we manipulated the birds' experience of conspicuous prey duri
ng an initial training phase. Only in the presence of pyrazine did birds sh
ow a bias against conspicuously coloured food, and this occurred whether or
not they had previously experienced food that contrasted with the backgrou
nd This emergent behaviour relied upon the visual and odorous signal compon
ents being presented together. These unlearned, yet hidden, responses again
st conspicuousness demonstrate that there are initial benefits to prey bein
g conspicuous when the multimodal nature of warning signals is accounted fo