The design and performance of a fast-scanning, low- and variable-temperatur
e, scanning tunneling microscope (STM) incorporated in an ultrahigh vacuum
system is described. The sample temperature can be varied from 25 to 350 K
by cooling the sample using a continuous flow He cryostat and counter heati
ng by a W filament. The sample temperature can be changed tens of degrees o
n a time scale of minutes, and scanning is possible within minutes after a
temperature change. By means of a software implemented active drift compens
ation the drift rate can be as low as 1 nm/day. The STM is rigid, very comp
act, and of low weight, and is attached firmly to the sample holder using a
bayonet-type socket. Atomic resolution on clean metal surfaces can be achi
eved in the entire temperature range. The performance of the instrument is
further demonstrated by images of adsorbed hexa-tert-butyl-decacyclene mole
cules on Cu(110), by STM movies, i.e., sequential STM images with a time re
solution down to 1 s/image (100x100 Angstrom (2) with 256x256 pixels), of t
he mobility of these molecules, and finally by constant current images of s
tanding waves in the electronic local density of states on Cu(110). (C) 200
1 American Institute of Physics.