At the end of 1998 Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG converted the existing coil handl
ing system at its Bochum wide hot strip mill from vertical to horizontal ax
is transfer. The new system first transfers the coils to the hot coil stora
ge or to the cold mill pickling line. The horizontal axis transfer reduces
strip damage during coil handling. Further quality improvements and cost sa
vings are achieved by the integrated inspection and strapping line and the
automatic coil marking station. Thanks to a diagnostic system it is possibl
e to quickly react to any irregular plant incident, thus maximizing the ava
ilability of the coil handling system. The diagnostic system also recognize
s electrical and mechanical malfunctions as well as possible operating erro
rs. The diagnostic messages facilitate operator training. The following art
icle features a description of the concept of the modernized coil handling
system and, by way of selected examples, explains how the fault alarm and d
iagnostic system works.