Background-Quality of life measures are increasingly important in evaluatin
g outcomes in asthma. If some asthma symptoms are more troublesome to patie
nts than others, this may affect their contribution to outcome measures. Th
is study was designed to assess the relative importance of common symptoms
in adults with asthma.
Methods-A postal survey using conjoint analysis was performed in 272 adults
attending hospital outpatient clinics with moderately severe asthma. Patie
nts were asked to chose between "symptom scenarios" offering different comb
inations of levels of five common asthma symptoms over one week. Two versio
ns of the questionnaire were used with identical scenarios presenting sympt
oms in different orders. Different patients answered the two versions. Regr
ession analysis was used to calculate symptom weights for daytime cough, br
eathlessness, wheeze and chest tightness, and sleep disturbance.
Results-Symptom order, percentage predicted peak expiratory flow (PEF), and
symptoms in the week before the survey did not influence the choice of sce
nario. In both questionnaires patients were more likely to choose scenarios
with low levels of cough and breathlessness than low sleep disturbance, wh
eeze or chest tightness. Regression weights for cough (-0.52) and breathles
sness (-0.49) were twice those of wheeze (-0.25), chest tightness (-0.27),
and sleep disturbance (-0.25). For 12% of patients cough dominated patient
preferences, regardless of all other symptoms. Age was inversely related to
weight given by patients to breathlessness.
Conclusions-The prominence of cough among other asthma symptoms was unexpec
ted. Daytime cough and breathlessness had greater impact for patients than
wheeze or sleep disturbance. Age influenced symptom burden, with younger pa
tients giving greater weight to breathlessness than older patients. Conjoin
t analysis appears to be a useful method for establishing the relative impo
rtance of common symptoms.