The purpose of this article is to review, and make recommendations for, the
use of relevant skin sensitization test methods, for the purposes of deter
mination of relative potency and the threshold dose necessary for the induc
tion of skin sensitization, and for risk assessment, In addressing the firs
t area, the utility of three guinea pig tests (the guinea pig maximization
test, the occluded patch test, and the open epicutaneous test) of the local
lymph node assay (LLNA) and of human volunteer testing for the assessment
of relative potency and identification of thresholds for sensitization were
considered. The following conclusions were drawn. (1) Although attempts ha
ve been made to modify the guinea pig maximization test for the purposes of
deriving dose-response relationships, this method is usually unsuitable fo
r determination of relative sensitizing potency. (2) Guinea pig methods tha
t do not require the use of adjuvant and which employ a relevant route of e
xposure (the occluded patch test and the open epicutaneous test) are more a
ppropriate for the assessment of relative skin-sensitizing potency. (3) The
LLNA is suitable for the determination of relative skin sensitizing potenc
y, and the adaptation of this method for derivation of comparative criteria
such as EC3 values (the estimated concentration of test chemical required
to induce a stimulation index of 3 in the LLNA) provides an effective and q
uantitative basis for such measurements, (4) For all the methods identified
above, potency is assessed relative to other chemical allergens of known s
kin sensitizing potential. The estimation of likely threshold concentration
s is dependent upon the availability of suitable benchmark chemicals of kno
wn potency for human sensitization. (5) Human testing (and specifically, th
e Human Repeat Insult Patch Test) can provide information of value in confi
rming the absence of skin sensitizing activity of formulations and products
under specific conditions of use and exposure. Based on the above, the fol
lowing recommendations are made. (1) If results are already available from
suitable guinea pig tests, then judicious interpretation of the data may pr
ovide information of value in assessing relative skin sensitizing potency.
This option should be explored before other analyses are conducted. (2) The
LLNA is the recommended method for new assessments of relative potency, an
d/or for the investigation of the influence of vehicle or formulation on sk
in sensitizing potency. (3) Whenever available, human skin sensitization da
ta should be incorporated into an assessment of relative potency. With resp
ect to risk assessment, the conclusion drawn is that all the available data
on skin-sensitizing activity in animals and man should be integrated into
the risk-assessment process. Appropriate interpretation of existing data fr
om suitable guinea pig studies can provide valuable information with respec
t to potency, as the first step in the development of a risk assessment. Ho
wever, for de novo investigations, the LLNA is the method favored for provi
ding quantitative estimations of skin-sensitizing potency that are best sui
ted to the risk assessment process. Finally, human testing is of value in t
he risk assessment process, but is performed only for the purposes of confi
rming product safety.