Due to the increasing unemployment rate, the probability that people will f
ind jobs which harmonize with their personal characteristics keeps decreasi
ng. With this in mind it can be assumed that job-induced changes in persona
lity in the sense of the socialization hypothesis could increase. Competenc
e is an important requirement for people to successfully master present and
future work demands. One possibility to foster the development of competen
ce is to design jobs that incorporate this potential into job tasks (Hacker
, 1991; Bergmann, 1999). This study examines the influence of work and in p
articular the influence of the design of job tasks on people's development
of competence. The study used a correlational design. The sample consisted
of 251 subjects capable of gainful employment, We collected data concerning
the self-concept of professional competence. The data were analyzed using
regression analysis. The results show that personal characteristics as well
as the quality of the job / work can predict competence. A relationship to
learning-relevant job characteristics can be shown, especially in the area
of meta-cognitive knowledge and meta-cognitive control processes. Consider
ing that it is assumed that ability to transfer is the principal factor det
ermining the development of competence, the result is interesting since met
a-cognitive skills and cognitive abilities are considered necessary prerequ
isites for positive transfer.