OBJECTIVE: To study the significance of nuclear grooves in thyroid and extr
athyroid benign and malignant lesions.
STUDY DESIGN: In this retrospective study, 26 cases were selected randomly,
consisting of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (7), papillary adenocarci
noma (9), normal cervical smear (5) and benign bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL
) (5). In all cases hematoxylin and eosin- and Papanicolaou-stained smears
were studied for nuclear grooves.
RESULTS: Except for one case of papillary adenocarcinoma, nuclear grooves w
ere discernible ill all cases. The highest number of nuclear grooves was se
en iii normal cervical smears, followed by papillary carcinoma of the thyro
id, papillary adenocarcinoma and BAL smears.
CONCLUSION: The number of grooves did not correlate with either benign or m
alignant conditions. These findings cast serious doubt about the diagnostic
significance of nuclear grooves. Probably nuclear grooves are nonspecific
findings and should be considered only in association with other diagnostic