Objective: This study assessed within-gender differences between psychiatri
sts and other physicians by using data taken from a large national sample o
f U.S. female physicians.
Method: The authors used data from the Women Physicians' Health Study, a la
rge, national questionnaire-based survey conducted in 1993-1994, to compare
characteristics of female psychiatrists (N=570) with those of other female
physicians (N=3,875).
Results: Psychiatrists were older, in poorer health, less likely to be marr
ied, more likely to be current or ex-smokers, and more likely to be politic
ally liberal than were the other female physicians. Psychiatrists were some
what (although not necessarily significantly) more likely than the other fe
male physicians to report having had personal or family histories of variou
s psychiatric disorders. Psychiatrists were more likely to have a solo prac
tice and less likely to be in a group practice. They worked fewer hours tha
n the other female physicians but reported comparable hourly incomes. Psych
iatrists did not differ from the other female physicians in perceived work
amount, work stress, work control, or career satisfaction. Their satisfacti
on with their specialty was, however, greater than that of the other female
physicians. For nearly all of the 14 preventive health care counseling pra
ctices examined, the amount of preventive counseling psychiatrists reported
performing, the clinical relevance they ascribed to those practices, their
self-confidence in performing the practices, and the amount of training th
ey reported receiving in preventive counseling practices was significantly
lower than that of primary care practitioners and lower than or comparable
to that of other specialists.
Conclusions: Female psychiatrists significantly differ from other female ph
ysicians with regard to a number of personal and professional dimensions.