BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Surgery on the rectus muscles may interfere
with anterior segment perfusion. This study investigates the influence
of combined rectus muscle surgery on the blood-aqueous barrier in chi
ldren. Namely, the influences of tucking and resection procedures were
compared. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Laser flare measurements for tyndallo
metry were performed preoperatively and postoperatively in 25 children
. Fifteen of the children had undergone a combination of a rectus rece
ssion and tucking; 10 had undergone a combined recession-resection pro
cedure. RESULTS: The mean preoperative flare value was 4.1 photon coun
ts/ms versus 3.7 photon counts/ms postoperatively in the eyes that had
undergone surgery. Statistical evaluation showed that the postoperati
ve changes were insignificant. No significant difference was found bet
ween the two surgical techniques (tucking vs resection) regarding the
preoperative versus postoperative flare value change (level of statist
ical significance .05). CONCLUSION: Combined squint surgery, either re
cession-tucking or recession-resection, was not shown to influence the
blood-aqueous barrier.