Consider a process in which information is transmitted from a given root no
de on a noisy tree network T. We start with an unbiased random bit R at the
root of the tree and send it down the edges of T. On every edge the bit ca
n be reversed with probability epsilon, and these errors occur independentl
y. The goal is to reconstruct R from the values which arrive at the nth lev
el of the tree. This model has been studied in information theory, genetics
and statistical mechanics. We bound the reconstruction probability from ab
ove, using the maximum flow on T viewed as a capacitated network, and from
below using the electrical conductance of T. For general infinite trees, we
establish a sharp threshold: the probability of correct reconstruction ten
ds to 1/2 as n --> infinity if (1- 2 epsilon)(2) < p(c)(T), but the reconst
ruction probability stays bounded away from 1/2 if the opposite inequality
holds. Here p(c)(T) is the critical probability for percolation on T; in pa
rticular p(c)(T) = 1/b for the b + 1-regular tree. The asymptotic reconstru
ction problem is equivalent to purity of the "free boundary" Gibbs state fo
r the Ising model on a tree. The special case of regular trees was solved i
n 1995 by Bleher, Ruiz and Zagrebnov; our extension to general trees depend
s on a coupling argument and on a reconstruction algorithm that weights the
input bits by the electrical current flow from the root to the leaves.