Three nucleus breeding populations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) u
nder selection for six generations were investigated for the effect of inbr
eeding on body weight at harvest. The coefficients of inbreeding for each i
ndividual were estimated from complete pedigree information starting at bas
e generation zero. For each population within generation, inbreeding effect
was estimated using a fixed linear model and a sire-dam mixed additive gen
etic model. Estimates of inbreeding effect per generation vary due to the d
ifferent distributions of inbreeding coefficients in each generation. The m
agnitude of inbreeding effect for each population across generations were e
stimated using a fixed linear model and three sire-dam mixed models: additi
ve (A), additive plus dominance (A + D), and additive plus dominance plus a
dditive by additive epistasis (A + D + A x A) with the inbreeding coefficie
nt, F as covariate. The estimates of inbreeding effect from the fixed linea
r model were substantially lower than those from the sire-dam mixed models
for all populations. The models (A + D) and (A + D + A x A) exhibited quite
similar estimates of inbreeding effect, which were substantially higher th
an the (A) model. The results suggest that addition of the additive by addi
tive genetic effect in the (A + D) model does not have a significant outcom
e on the estimation of inbreeding effect because additive by additive genet
ic interaction may not be important for growth. For unbiased estimation of
inbreeding effect, the (A + D) model with F as a covariate may be sufficien
t. The inbreeding effect on body weight at harvest calculated as the averag
e of the estimates obtained from models A + D and A + D + A x A, were -1.6,
-5.0, and -4.5% per 10% unit increase in inbreeding coefficients for popul
ations 1, 2, and 3, respectively. These values meant body weight at harvest
was moderately affected by inbreeding but were not high enough to cause an
y serious impact in the selective breeding program for rainbow trout in Nor
way. This implies that maintenance of moderate effective population size pe
r generation and following a strict mating policy for breeders selected as
parents for future generations could delay the accumulation of inbreeding a
nd minimize its effect on growth. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights