Honey-bee (Apis mellifera) colonies exhibit extreme reproductive division o
f labour. Workers almost always have inactive ovaries and the queen monopol
ises egg laying. Although extremely rare, 'anarchistic' colonies exist in w
hich workers produce male offspring despite the presence of the queen. By c
omparing the rates of ovary activation in anarchistic and wild-type bees fo
stered to host colonies of different genotype (i.e. anarchist and non-anarc
hist) and queen status (i.e. queenless and queenright), we investigated the
factors involved in inhibiting ovary activation. Fostered anarchist worker
s always had a higher level of ovary development than fostered wild-type be
es in both anarchist and non-anarchist host colonies. Fostered workers of b
oth genotypes had more active ovaries in anarchistic than in wild-type host
s. Fostered workers of both strains also had more active ovaries in queenle
ss than in queenright hosts. The results suggest that selection for worker
reproduction in the anarchistic line has both reduced the effects of brood
and queen pheromones on worker ovary inhibition and increased the Likelihoo
d that workers of the anarchistic line will develop ovaries compared to wil
d-type workers.