Recent reports have highlighted the potential therapeutic role of olfactory
ensheathing cells for repair of spinal cord injuries. Previously ensheathi
ng cells collected from the olfactory bulbs within the skull were used. In
humans a source of these cells for autologous therapy lies in the nasal muc
osa where they accompany the axons of the olfactory neurons. The aim of the
present study was to test the therapeutic potential of nasal olfactory ens
heathing cells for spinal cord repair. Olfactory ensheathing cells cultured
from the olfactory lamina propria or pieces of lamina propria from the olf
actory mucosa were transplanted into the transected spinal cord. Three to t
en weeks later these animals partially recovered movement of their hind lim
bs and joints which was abolished by a second spinal cord transection. Cont
rol rats, receiving collagen matrix, respiratory lamina propria or culture
medium, did not recover hind limb movement. Recovery of movement was associ
ated with recovery of spinal reflex circuitry, assessed using the rate-sens
itive depression of the H-reflex from an interosseous muscle. Histological
analysis of spinal cords grafted with olfactory tissue demonstrated nerve f
ibres passing through the transection site, serotonin-positive fibres in th
e spinal cord distal to the transection site, and retrograde labelling of b
rainstem raphe and gigantocellularis neurons from injections into the dista
l cord, indicating regeneration of descending pathways. Thus, olfactory lam
ina propria transplantation promoted partial restoration of function after
relatively short recovery periods. This study is particularly significance
because it suggests an accessible source of tissue for autologous grafting
in human paraplegia. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.