With the advent of modern diagnostic tools for neuroimaging the incidental
detection of pineal cysts in asymptomatic subjects has increased. Only rare
ly do pineal cysts present with the clinical signs and symptoms of increase
d intracranial pressure or with neurological deficits in relation to compre
ssion and distortion of the adjacent nervous structures and cerebrospinal f
luid pathways. While asymptomatic cysts are considered to be normal variant
s for which no further investigations are usually required, surgical treatm
ent is suggested for symptomatic cysts, with the goal of eliminating the bl
ock in the cerebrospinal fluid circulation and/or the mass effect exerted b
y the lesion. in this report we describe a pediatric case of symptomatic pi
neal cyst, revealed by repeated episodes of headache caused by secondary ob
structive hydrocephalus. Following an endoscopic third-ventriculostomy, ser
ial magnetic resonance imaging studies demonstrated that not only had the v
entriculomegaly resolved but also that the pineal cyst had regressed over t
ime. A to-and-fro movement of fluid through the cyst wall, the direction of
which depends on the equilibrium existing between the inner pressure of th
e cyst and the outer cerebrospinal fluid pressure, is suggested as a possib
le mechanism accounting for this unexpected result - to our knowledge, the
first reported in Literature.