Multiple glioma is a well-recognized but uncommon entity. They are grouped
in two categories: multifocal and multicentric gliomas. Multifocal gliomas
grow through dissemination along an established route, spreading through co
mmissural pathways, CSF channels, or the blood or by local extension throug
h satellite formation; at the opposite end of the spectrum, multicentric gl
iomas are widely separated lesions whose simultaneous presence cannot be at
tributed to any of the above pathways. Reports in the literature refer to s
ingle cases or small series of multicentric gliomas, almost always in adult
patients, their occurrence in children being even less frequent. We report
the case of a 12-year-old boy with multicentric glioma, atypical acute cli
nical onset and fast growth of three other tumors in 8 months, and then dis
cuss the problems of diagnosis and therapy.