The Hugoniot equation-of-state (EOS) of porous iron with an average initial
density of 6.904g/cm(3) has been measured in the pressure range from 90 to
160 GPa, and a good straight fitting D = 2.997 + 1.603 u has accordingly b
een obtained, where D is the shock wave velocity and u the particle velocit
y, both in units of km/s. Combining this with the Hugoniot EOS of non-porou
s iron, the Gruneisen EOS and the Rankine-Hugoniot energy conservation rela
tion, anti taking the possible solid-liquid transition correction, we have
calculated the Gruneisen parameter gamma of iron and obtained the result ga
mma (0)rho (0) = gamma rho =const, with gamma (0) = 1.945 and rho (o) = 7.8
56 g/cm(3), rho being the density.