Self-deception is made unnecessarily puzzling by the assumption that i
t is an intrapersonal analog of ordinary interpersonal deception. In p
aradigmatic cases, interpersonal deception is intentional and that the
self-deceiver believes that some proposition is true while also belie
ving that it is false produces interesting conceptual puzzles, but it
also produces a fundamentally mistaken view of the dynamics of self-de
ception. This target article challenges the assumption and presents an
alternative view of the nature and etiology of self-deception. Drawin
g upon empirical studies of cognitive biases, it resolves familiar ''p
aradoxes'' about the dynamics of self-deception and the condition of b
eing self-deceived. Conceptually sufficient conditions for self-decept
ion are offered and putative empirical demonstrations of a kind of sel
f-deception in which a subject believes that a proposition is true whi
le also believing that it is false are criticized. Self-deception is n
either irresolvably paradoxical nor mysterious, and it is explicable w
ithout the assistance of mental exotica. The key to understanding its
dynamics is a proper appreciation of our capacity for acquiring and re
taining motivationally biased beliefs.