Consumption of hot chips is a convenience food in most countries. Unfortuna
tely, these are high in fat and contribute to fat-related diseases in socie
ties with a high fat consumption. There is substantial scope through best-p
ractice deep-frying techniques for producing lower fat, high-quality chips.
From a review of the literature, the main factors associated with a lower-
fat content of chips are thick (>12 mm), straight cut chips; cryogenic free
zing methods; low moisture content of potatoes (specific gravity >1.1); fry
ing fat: chip volume ratio of 6:1; frying at optimal temperature (180 to 18
5 degreesC) during cooking and turning the temperature down (similar to 140
degreesC) and covering the vats during slack periods; vigorously shaking t
he basket and hanging it over the deep fryer to drain after frying; maintai
ning the quality of the frying fat by regularly skimming the cracklings, fi
ltering the fat, and topping up the fryer with fresh fat; keeping the fat t
urnover <5 days; regular cleaning of frying equipment. It is important that
all deep frying operators are adequately trained in these techniques. It i
s also important that the frying medium is low in saturated and trans fatty
acids (<20%) because of their effects on blood lipids and low in linolenic
acid (<3%) because it is readily degraded. The widespread implementation o
f best-practice deep-frying would reduce fat content of hot chips and thus
lower overall fat consumption.