In this paper, hybrid net condition/event systems are introduced as a model
for hybrid systems. The model consists of a discrete timed Petri net and a
continuous Petri net which interact each other through condition and event
signals. By introducing timed discrete places in the model, timing constra
ints in hybrid systems can be easily described. For a class of hybrid syste
ms that can be described as linear hybrid net condition/event systems whose
continuous part is a constant continuous Petri net, two methods are develo
ped for their state reachability analysis. One is the predicate-transformat
ion method, which is an extension of a state reachability analysis method f
or linear hybrid automata. The other is the path-based method, which enumer
ates all possible firing seqenences of discrete transitions and verifies if
a given set of states can be reached from another set by firing a sequence
of discrete transitions. The verification is performed by solving a constr
aint satisfaction problem. A technique that adds additional constraints to
the problem when a discrete state is revisited along the sequence is develo
ped and used to prevent the method from infinite enumeration. These methods
provide a basis for algorithmic analysis of this class of hybrid systems.